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February 11, 2022
Creating Access to Appropriate Therapeutic Pharmacy Alternatives
March 21, 2022

How to Recognize and Influence Social Disparities to Create Health Equity

Wednesday March 23rd, 11-12 EST

Every employer has wondered, why can’t employees to take care of themselves, fill their drugs or follow directions to eat healthier, not use the ER, but do we understand the impact of social disparities. When we start to address those issues, we will develop strategies that will be more impactful on health and plan spend than most wellness programs. Wellness programs have failed because we fail to address root causes. Hear from 4 unique perspectives who are working with social disparities and learn how to create Health Equity

During this session, you will learn:
  • Help employers leave with some understanding of what they can influence
  • Help employers and benefit advisors understand how these issues influence how persons care for themselves or consider their healthcare needs
  • Understand that there are specific resources that can impact health and be influenced by employers
  • Learn of additional resources that may be available to help support their employees and plan members
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