Advisory Board
At Vital Incite, we don’t operate in a vacuum. Instead, we rely on sound advice from well-regarded industry professionals whose brains are like a vacuum. That way, all the advice you get, has a safety net.
Brenda Motheral, RPh, MBA, Ph.D.
Co-founder & CEO, Archimedes
Co-founder & CEO, Archimedes
Dexter Shurney, MD, MBA, MPH
Past President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Medical Director, Adventist Health
Past President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Medical Director, Adventist Health
Mary McAteer, MD
Past Chair Physician Wellness Committee at INAAP
Past Chair Physician Wellness Committee at INAAP
Padmaja Patel, MD, FACLM, DipABLM
Lifestyle Medicine Director, Wellvana President-Elect, American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine Director, Wellvana President-Elect, American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Vice President, World Lifestyle Medicine Organization